Becoming Entrefied
A Podcast about You achieving that Next Step in Your life. You have the ability to become someone that creates massive value for others in your life. We help you create success by adding value to other people’s lives and situations by taking action, challenging possibilities, and making logical choices towards your goals and dreams. Taking control and pulling out that potential has never been easier, all you have to do is crank up the volume. Let’s break free of the life we are told to live. Create freedom and wealth by adding value to other's lives. Challenge traditions, challenge authority, and Get Entrefied.
Becoming Entrefied
ENT: 184 Getting Better Outcomes
Patrick / Jeff
Get all our podcast notes on www.entrefied.com so you can study them.
Instead of thinking negative things, and sometimes even worse saying negative things, prepare for the negative things and don’t speak them.
I heard it said that negative things spoken can be seven times more powerful than saying positive things. So what does this mean?
Stop saying negative things. Sometimes we cannot control the thoughts that go through our head. Sometimes bad things do happen, so what can we do?
- We can start to recognize the things we fear and prepare for what we fear by taking the right action now and being prepared. Fear loses it power. You can ultimately think it doesn’t hold in power over me because it will not happen. Your ultimately free from the fear from it. You are prepared and ready.
- We can refuse to run the scenarios that could happen again and again over in our head how things might happen. Instead, what are the things I’m afraid of here and how can I react positively and be prepared for it. You are priming yourself for a positive mindset. Your stepping into a faith driven thought process. Remember what the bible says faith is dead without works. Again you are free from the grips of that fear because you have reshaped your thoughts and your ready. What can you do about your fears?
Get all our podcast notes on www.entrefied.com so you can study them.