Becoming Entrefied
A Podcast about You achieving that Next Step in Your life. You have the ability to become someone that creates massive value for others in your life. We help you create success by adding value to other people’s lives and situations by taking action, challenging possibilities, and making logical choices towards your goals and dreams. Taking control and pulling out that potential has never been easier, all you have to do is crank up the volume. Let’s break free of the life we are told to live. Create freedom and wealth by adding value to other's lives. Challenge traditions, challenge authority, and Get Entrefied.
Becoming Entrefied
ENT 181: Setting your mind to something.
Patrick / Jeff
- To Get our podcast notes go to www.entrefied.com. Train your brain tell yourself what you expect, and except no back talk. When you have identified in the day what you want, you have written it down, then stick to it. That is what you have set out to do. When your brain comes to you and says, hey, I don’t feel like this Today, you say nope already decided. Be sure to tell it something back that puts a positive spin on it. Like when I go to the gym, I’m going to feel energetic, accomplished, and better. We have negative conversations with ourselves, and things are lying to us. We have to call Bull. We need to start adding positive to the arguments in our heads. So that is one thing you can do when you know you should do something, or you have wrote it down or both. First say no, I’m doing it, that’s it.