Becoming Entrefied

ENT 86: Everyone Sees the World Differently but Which Way is Right?

March 06, 2020 Patrick Hughes Episode 86
Becoming Entrefied
ENT 86: Everyone Sees the World Differently but Which Way is Right?
Becoming Entrefied
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Show Notes Transcript

You may see something one way and I see it another. Oftentimes it's due to our upbringing. Someone in Africa will have a different viewpoint than someone in America. It’s important to realize that we all have experienced different walks of life and no one way is better than the other.

I grew up in a small town in TN. People believe hard in guns, tobacco, alcohol, big trucks, killing animals. Someone from Nashville may believe completely opposite.

Don’t be ignorant to other people because they disagree with you. Try to see where they are coming from and work with them to share both sides of experiences to reach new understanding and be open-minded.


ACTION STEPS – What is something you are ignorant about?

Recommended Read: Looking Up: How a Different Perspective Turns Obstacles into Advantages

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good. Are you ready to be entre Vied? Let's break free of the life we're told to live, create freedom and well, by adding value to others live, challenge traditions, challenge authority and get on terrified. Hey, guys, welcome to the show. I know I've been cutting these pretty short lately, but I'm gonna probably got this one short to definitely here grinding out the six week course. Um, on leadership, it's really, really difficult. So anyway, before I go off on a tangent today, we're gonna be talking about everyone has a different perspective. How every single person looks. It's something a problem solution, everything in a different perspective and why this is important because it is very important to recognize that maybe you have some workers that have a better perspective than you that you could improve on something. It's very important to remember. So you may have seen something one way, and I see it another way. Oftentimes, it's due to our upbringing, our past experiences, our beliefs, our environments. You know, my grandpa, he was hard core Democrat, you know, I was born and raised in Tennessee and there's a lot of Republicans, Democrats, very conservative state, and being around these types of people often politically will rub off on your family. You know, your grandpas Republican. You're proud. You, maybe Republican, too, because of his perspective in the area geographically that you live in will probably have a different perspective on the world than you know. If I'm in Tennessee, I'll have a different perspective on the world and people in California or people in Asia so completely different perspectives. I think it's very important that we be mine, mindful of that and instead of just denouncing their perspectives and ignoring them and being ignorant to them, I think it's important that we be open minded and that we hear what they have to say and that we learn from other people's perspectives and grow from it. I know back a couple months ago and it may still be happening today over in Hong Kong. There were a lot of protests about democracy and stuff, and they're a very massive scale protests and you know, I think their perspective is different from ours because we have a democracy, they're fighting for their democracy, and it's just interesting if you if you had a person like that in from Hong Kong, and he brought them to America, they would likely have different beliefs. Something's different thoughts. And if you put that same person from Hong Kong into Russia, they would definitely have different beliefs and thoughts then Vladimir Putin and people in Russia. So it's very important to realize that your way of thinking isn't always the right way of thinking. It isn't always the best way of thinking, and it's important to realize there may be another way, a better way, a more efficient way to think, then the way you do, and that leads to growth and gives you the ability to become a better thinker, a better person and helps you become no stronger. Um, and oftentimes Ah, it's you Dara brings. Like I said earlier, grand parents, parents, our environment. What we go through often gives us a different view on the world. Someone in Africa will definitely have a different viewpoint than someone in, uh, Canada, just different, just different geographical areas. It's important to realize that we have all experienced different walks of life, and no one way specifically is better than the other. You know, there's no there's no perfect way to do something. Maybe in the moment there is. But eventually there will be a better way. It's like with cars, you know, in the moment back in the early 19 hundreds, you know, maybe the perfect way was to you make a car this way. But now, today we're making cars without gas or engines, basic electricity, and it's, you know, there's always a better way In 100 years from now, we'll probably making cars out of probably won't have cars. Probably tell the port like in Star Trek, you know, So it's important to realize that, you know, there there's always room for improvement, and there's always a different way you can look. It had a problem. I grew up in a very small town in Tennessee. It has a WalMart couple. Red lights. That's about it. People believe in guns, tobacco, alcohol, big jacked up trucks, shooting animals, bring him to the house. And then you look at people in California in the city, you know, Los Angeles, everything that people do intend to see. You would make those people in Los Angeles P like, Are you serious? Like does it all wrong and vice versa. If you put the people from Tennessee in California, Los Angeles in, you know, they saw the city life of having an apartment and ah, not mourn you, you are not taking care of, you know things physically, there's not a lot of physical labor happening. Ah, lot of people from the South Tennessee would not want to be in that situation because they pride themselves on having their land and their big trucks. And, you know, it's just too different, completely different viewpoints. And I don't think either one of them is necessarily Maur You know better than the other because yeah, sure. Okay, global warming cause of the trucks. Okay, that's great. But what are you doing in Los Angeles that is also detrimental? There's probably something that you guys are doing. I'm not here. You call anybody out or make those kind of distinctions. But my point is, is there's always two sides to that coin, and it's always two perspectives, two ways to approach something. It's important to realize that don't be ignorant to other people because they disagree with you. Try to see where they're coming from. Work with them to share both sides of experiences to reach new understandings and be open minded during this process. It's like I said, if I meet somebody from a different country, different location, maybe I'm Republican there, Democrat. If we discuss things and we come to conclusions together and we don't think with the herd and have this herd mentality of Oh, you know the Corona Viruses absolutely awful. And it's really it's honestly kind of hyper inflated. It's not. People are over dramatizing. A lot of things are happening. It's kind of like the stock market. No stocks go down today. People are screaming, Recession stifle up a day, they screaming, You know, best economical times in history. It's confusing. It's so confusing. So when you learn how to, you know, kind of block out the white noise crap, you can really focus on having a true discussion with someone who could bring up some valid points. And then you guys can work together to come up with your own thoughts. You're not following the herd, you know, listening to what the media says, because the media will misconstrue things. They will trick you. They will lie to you. The media is a terrible terrible place to get your news because they will turn the greatest thing into something negative. I mean, it's all they do. So it's important. I don't care if it's five news scene and whatever. They're all terrible, and it's important to be open minded and come to your own conclusions through fax. Resource is, um, and here's an action step. What is something you're ignorant about? What is one thing you are ignorant about? That you that you need to learn more about that? You don't really know much about it, so you're afraid of it, and you're ignorant about what is that and how can you learn about it? Who can you speak to teach you about it or speak with to teach you about it? It's important that we open our minds. Two bigger thoughts, better clear thinking, and that's definitely a solid first step. Is looking yourself introspection and finding a place near in your life where you're ignorant and the yeah, it's very important that we do so Hey, thanks for listening to show guys really appreciated you. If you'd like to be on the show, we'll take guests were taking. Guess it's not that weekly. But it is. If you're if you really stand out, we'll take you on the show. So thanks for listening to show guys. Head over to entre fied dot com forward slash interview If you want to be on a on an episode of the show and ah, love to hear from you, so have a great day. Are you feeling entre fied yet? We hope so. For more information and news updates, check us out at www dot entre five dot com for contact Patrick directly on facebook dot com slash patrick Hughes 9000